Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I really hate to say this, but the government sold us out. SHAME ON YOU ALL.

Basically whatever organization wrote this, didn't write it to benefit the homeowner.

It is sickeningly vague, the creation of the escrow account is done basically without any thought of how this might be used to harm the borrower, or maybe it was written to harm the borrower..

The ridiculously low incentives offered to the banks, the nightmarish documentation procedure.. I mean from start to finish it is a SCAM, and yet it is a contradiction in words, set up to help the homeowner, but keep reading and we will tell you how we will used this to harm him.

Supplemental Directive 09-01 April 6, 2009

On February 18, 2009, President Obama announced the Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan to help up to 7 to 9 million families restructure or refinance their mortgages to avoid foreclosure. As part of this plan, the Treasury Department (Treasury) announced a national modification program aimed at helping 3 to 4 million at-risk homeowners – both those who are in default and those who are at imminent risk of default – by reducing monthly payments to sustainable levels. On March 4, 2009, the Treasury issued uniform guidance for loan modifications across the mortgage industry. This Supplemental Directive provides additional guidance to servicers for adoption and implementation of the Home Affordable Modification program (HAMP) for mortgage loans that are not owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac (Non-GSE Mortgages).
Introduction of the Home Affordable Modification Program



Well right off the bat in early 2010 they spent 10 million dollars on a Superbowl bash, and a round of lavish parties which included a carnival-like affair called the NFL experience... Bank of America the Bank of Opportunities.  AH  HEMMM opportunities?  Can we clarify what that word means please?


SQUAT IS WHAT THEY GAVE OUT TO the foundering Americas!



Saturday, September 11, 2010



Hamp is a SCAM.



Another suicide murder over foreclosure


Addie Polk, 91, symbol of American foreclosure crisis

Homeowner who shot herself amid eviction

•Addie Polk, 91, became symbol of American foreclosure crisis

•Polk remembered as quiet, reserved woman who was fiercely independent

•U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich mentioned her on Senate floor during bailout debate

By Craig Johnson

Special to CNN

(CNN) -- Addie Polk, who became the national face of the foreclosure crisis last fall when she shot herself during an eviction, was a quiet woman who never asked for help.

Polk, 91, who was a deaconess at her church, was remembered by friends and churchgoers for her stateliness.

Fannie Mae foreclosed on the Akron, Ohio, home of Addie Polk, 91, after acquiring the mortgage in 2007.

"She had runner's legs," said Joyce Smith, a longtime family friend of Polk's and fellow member of Antioch Baptist Church. "They were well-shaped, well-shaped calves, and she still wore her heels and didn't stumble," Smith said.

"I used to ask her, 'Did you used to run?' She'd say 'I would run from trouble, that's about it,'" Smith said. "We always laughed at that."

But Polk didn't run from the troubling eviction notices that were placed time and time again on her door in Akron, Ohio.

She kept her business to herself.

"She wasn't a really vocal person," Smith said. "She'd communicate, but you never knew what was going on. If it was anything negative you didn't know; if it was positive you didn't know. She was just quiet about her personal life."

Polk, made news last fall when she shot herself during an eviction, died Monday at the Arbors at Fairlawn nursing home near Akron. She was 91.

The Summit County Medical Examiner's office, when contacted Tuesday by CNN, said the cause of death has not been released but it was not related to the shooting.

Don't Miss

Tenant evicted even though she pays rent on time

For one man, foreclosure is a shot at his housing dream

After Polk's ordeal last October sparked national outrage, Fannie Mae moved to halt the foreclosure process and "give her the house," company spokesman Brian Faith said at the time.

"We're going to forgive whatever outstanding balance she had on the loan," Faith said. "Given the circumstances, we think it's appropriate."

In 2004, Polk took out a 30-year, 6.375 percent mortgage for $45,620 with a Countrywide Home Loan office in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. The same day, she also took out an $11,380 line of credit.

Over the next couple of years, Polk missed payments on the 101-year-old home that she and her late husband purchased in 1970. In 2007, the mortgage was in the hands of Fannie Mae, which soon filed for foreclosure.

Akron Sheriff's Deputy Donald Fatheree, in a telephone interview with CNN on Tuesday, said he'd personally been to Polk's door about six times to deliver eviction notices. "Never did reach her, but always left notes," Fatheree said.

As part of the eviction process, authorities left writs of possession -- legal terms that informed the occupier of eviction -- on the front door of homes. Fatheree said each time he'd return the notes would be gone, and he'd leave another.

Polk's two self-inflicted gunshots to the chest were heard around the United States as the lifelong homemaker became a symbol for struggling U.S. homeowners burdened down by debt and unrelenting mortgage companies.

News of Polk's plight was so pervasive that U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, evoked her name on the House floor during debate over the Wall Street bailout just days after the shooting.

"This bill does nothing for the Addie Polks of the world," Kucinich said. "This bill fails to address the fact that millions of homeowners are facing foreclosure, are facing the loss of their home. This bill will take care of Wall Street, and the market may go up for a few days, but democracy is going downhill."

Sommerville Funeral Services in Akron will handle arrangements for Polk.

foreclosure Suicide includes DOGS

Foreclosures and Suicide

Bend Weekly reported a sad case last October in which a foreclosure led to the apparent suicide of a man and his wife in Pineville, Oregon. Along with the bodies of the man and his wife, the bodies of the couple's four Golden Retriever dogs were found.

foreclosure Suicide

Murder-suicide follows foreclosure

Army veteran Julie Fay and husband Wallis Fay reflect on moving to Colorado after failed talks with their mortgage company led to the foreclosure and sale of their home in Dumfries.

By Uriah Kiser

Published: August 21, 2009

Julie Fay served her country in Desert Shield in 1991, and remained a loyal government worker after her military service.

Last month, she was forced to leave her job in Fort Belvoir due to failing health. The 57-year-old packed boxes and prepared to move to Colorado with Wallis Fay, her husband of 26 years.

They were being forced to leave their Dumfries town house.

They never made it to the Rocky Mountain state. On the eve of their move, Julie and Wallis Fay were found dead inside their home at 3045 Sigel Court.

Police say it was a murder-suicide. Detectives on Friday said they are still investigating the circumstances, but both died of gunshot wounds.

Faced with losing their home of 13 years, the couple had reached out to their mortgage lender, politicians and the News & Messenger.

On Aug. 14, they called Executive Editor Susan Svihlik, saying their home had been sold out from under them. They were expecting the Sheriff’s Department to arrive any minute and make them leave.

Julie Fay sobbed on the phone.

A reporter and photographer went to their house in Williamstown and listened to their story. No sheriff’s deputy arrived to evict them. Editors at the paper decided their case needed more research, so no story about the couple was published.

In that interview, Julie Fay said she and her husband returned from his mother’s funeral in Colorado earlier this year to find their lives turned upside down.

“We came back … and a man was standing in front of the house” she said. “Our dogs were going ballistic. The man said ‘I bought your property.’ I said ‘What?’ "

No idea

The Fays said they had no idea it was even up for auction.

The couple’s foreclosure case is a complicated one. And after their deaths, there are still more questions than answers.

There is no record of eviction proceedings against the couple. But neighbors said the two believed they had to be out of their house by Friday, and they were packed up and planning to head west.

On Thursday, after not seeing the Fays for two days, neighbors realized something was wrong.

Neighbor Abigail Robertson said she’d been inside the home on Tuesday helping Julie Fay pack some kitchen items into boxes.

“When I was finished, I asked her if there was anything else that I could do for her, and she said that she would call me if she needed anything,” said Robertson. She went to the house around 8 p.m., after not having heard from her neighbors.

She knocked on the door, but got no answer. The next day it was the same story, as she heard only the family’s four dogs barking.

Another neighbor, Bernice R. Fortune, said the couple was having a hard time coping with the eviction.

“I was at Bible study on Tuesday night and Wallis called me and said ‘Please pray for me, I need your help so bad right now,’ “ said Fortune.

Behind on payments

In May, the Fays’ house was sold at auction -- they said without their knowledge -- for $51,000, according to court records. That price is $189,000 less than what the house appraised for two years ago.

The couple said during an interview with the News & Messenger that they had fallen four months behind on their $1,800 mortgage payments with J.P. Morgan. The two said they assumed the original loan in 1996 from the previous owner.

Before the foreclosure sale, Julie Fay said she offered to pay a portion of what was owed, but the mortgage company declined to accept anything less than the full amount owed.

They were told to be out of their home by Aug. 22, they said. Both said their mortgage company never notified them of the house going to action, as required by law.

“We ran into this problem one other time when we had other things going on, and we know that there are letters that come from mortgage companies, certified letters, even letters that come from lawyers, but they did not come this time,” said Wallis Fay, 52.

Wallis Fay was working at Costco in Fredericksburg and Julie split her time between her government job and part-time work at a Manassas pharmacy. But that still wasn’t enough to dig them out of their mortgage crisis, they said.

Then Wallis Fay’s mother, who lived in Colorado, died and the couple traveled to the state to bury her.

Two weeks later, when they returned home, the new owner of their house greeted them in their front yard and informed them of the sale, they said. He told them they had to vacate.

The couple claimed the new owner declined an offer to allow the Fays to pay him rent.

Calls to Washington-Mutual, the couple’s original mortgage holder, and to J.P. Morgan were not returned Friday.

The new owner of the house, Benham Shirvani, has purchased several homes in the same neighborhood, according to court records. Shirvani paid $51,000 for the town house. He could not be reached for comment Friday.

Seeking government help

During the foreclosure, the couple said they reached out to local and state offices hoping for some kind of government assistance.

A spokesman from Sen. Mark Warner’s office confirms they spoke with the couple, but declined to say what was discussed, citing confidentiality matters.

The couple also contacted Dumfries Mayor Fred E. Yohey Jr.

“When I spoke to them, I had to take my mayor’s hat off and acted more like a concerned citizen who could listen to their problems,” said Yohey.

The mayor said that the town has no money available to help those who may be behind on their rent or mortgage. He also added that a significant number of homes in Dumfries have been foreclosed. However, a recent town-sponsored seminar aimed at helping people avoid foreclosure only netted two attendees, he said.

The last time Yohey spoke with Wallis Fay was a week ago.

“I thought it was a happy ending, that they both had jobs in Colorado and were all set up to move,” he said.

Neighbors said that happy ending was crushed when Wallis Fay learned Costco would not transfer his job from Fredericksburg to Colorado.

Fortune said she got a panicked phone call from Wallis Fay.

“He called me on the phone and said, ‘Well Ms. Bernice, they turned me down. I am not going to get my transfer. Now I don’t know what I am going to do,’ “ Fortune said.

Uriah Kiser can be reached at 703-878-8065.


Mass. woman kills self before home foreclosure

She leaves note asking family to pay for house with life insurance moneyAdvertisement
ad info

 updated 7/23/2008 6:21:23 PM ET

TAUNTON, Mass. — A 53-year-old wife and mother fatally shot herself shortly after faxing a letter to her mortgage company saying that by the time they foreclosed on her house that day, she would be dead.
Police said that Carlene Balderrama used her husband's high-powered rifle to kill herself Tuesday afternoon, shortly after faxing the letter at 2:30 p.m.

The mortgage company called police, who found Balderrama's body at 3:30 p.m. The auction was scheduled to start at 5 p.m. and interested buyers arrived at the property in Taunton, about 35 miles south of Boston, while Balderrama's body was still inside, according to Taunton police chief Raymond O'Berg.

Police did not immediately release the name of the mortgage company. O'Berg said Balderrama's fax read, in part, "By the time you foreclose on my house I'll be dead."

O'Berg also said a suicide note found next to Balderrama told her husband, John, and 24-year-old son to "take the (life) insurance money and pay for the house."


OK so my brilliant little theory is actually not a theory, but an actual FINANCIAL PLAN.

So this is how it works.   There are actually 2 parts to it. 

1. There are people who have already fallen behind (the borrowers who have stopped paying.)

2. There are the people who are on the verge of falling behind (these are are still currant.)

Now the banks know about the ones who have fallen behind, but their harassing phone calls and letters cannot seem to get these people to pay.  So what will get these people to pay?  The MAKING HOME AFFORDABLE BIG FAT AMERICAN LIE!

They don't know about the ones who are about to stop paying, but lucky for the banks, the MAKING HOME AFFORDABLE BIG FAT AMERICAN LIE will solicit the homeowners who are in danger of falling behind.  

All they have to do to make this work is actually modify about 1-5% of these loans.  THAT'S IT.  ITS THAT SIMPLE!  Again Lucky for the big banks, when people are so distracted by silly things like how to come up with money for food and utilities, its hard for them to focus.  So they can easily be tricked!  They are so desperate  to feed their families,(its funny to us bankers really,) they will actually fall for a ruse this obvious. 

So once we get them to START PAYING OR KEEP PAYING.. ( we don't know how they are coming up with the money now, if they couldn't before... oh maybe they are borrowing from family or friends by telling them that they are saving their homes! Maybe they are cutting down on food, the are probably too fat anyway... who cares where they get it, that's not our problem.)  we start foreclosure, simultaneously.   Its called DUAL TRACKING.  Most of the time they don't even know what's going on because we keep sending out this silly little notices saying you are in a HAMP trial modification.  We even have service representatives telling them to ignore those silly little foreclosure letters.   Most of the time it works, they ignore them...

When they finally realize what has happened, we are very close to foreclosure.  WOW look how much money we saved doing it this way!  Its GENIUS! 


Friday, September 10, 2010

Maxine Waters, Congresswoman


Maxine Waters exposes the banks for paying themselves 30 million dollars in fees to "accept the Tarp" money.

I started the NACA on line application

It was a bit difficult, but the worst is over with.   I will continue this week to finish this application.  So if BOA declines my trial modification I will be ready for my NACA application!



State Rep Gary Day's office emailed me back.

This is their answer:

"We are currently talking to the Banking Department. Rep. Day suggested we also contact some other committees in Harrisburg and make them aware what's going on. I will be in touch with you in the near future."

At first I read this negatively, but when I went back and read it, it seemed more positve to me.  Talking to the Banking Department.  That's good.  Any dialog is good.  People are complaining and Politicians are talking.  That's what matters right now.  We need more dialogues about what is going on.  I think the truth is pretty transparant. 

Keep complaining people!

Thursday, September 9, 2010



So BOA is winning the battles and the War

It seems as if they have the politicians in their back pocket. 

Is it true the banks give the politicians free mortgages?   Is everyone taking bribes?  I have a bad feeling tonight, I think it is going to end badly with BOA. 

I am so tired of this...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I found the lease!

I have no idea why I keep playing this game with them.  They ask me for some information, and I run around trying to find it, like THIS MISSING PIECE OF INFORMATION is why they have dragged on a decision for 13 months. 

I know its ridiculous, but I do it anyway.  I can't help it. 

So now off I go to send them the silly lease, that means nothing.  So they can come up with another reason why they can't give me an answer or why they will deny me.

The OCC complaint got me another phone call.

Its astonishing how much time and effort BOA puts into PR.  They keep calling to chat.  What's up with that?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I could absolutely scream tonight. 

BOA has decided that since I rented my property 2 years ago ( because I couldn't afford it,) that I have to come up with this lease. 

I moved twice since then and I cannot find the lease.  I am so sick of this ridiculous nonsense.  They have my tax returns showing the income. 

So now they are going to deny me because of some erroneous piece of information?????????

Another day and NO WORD from BOA

Not that I expected one.  I have officially decided that there is not really a modification going on for me.

Today I am going to mail them a letter asking them to reinstate my mortgage.  I am sure they won't but at least it will be out there in writing.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


This is not me, I found this on Youtube.  It is an excellent example of the scam that is going on.


Labor Day Weekend 2010

While most people are planning a BBQ or special time with family and friends, I sit in the living room of my beautiful prison.   Oh how I long for my old life back! 

Funny how smug the banks are now.  The market crashed and we all went down.  They were rescued but the rif raf was left behind to drown.  I don't accept their insults. The big banks were headed for foreclosure too.  We should have turned our backs for sure.  "They"  said if the banks went down the market would crash.  Maybe "they" were wrong.  Maybe they could have let BOA and CHASE and all the big banks fail and pumped that TARP money into smaller local banks.  How about that?  A real America.  What is capitalism anyway?  If you fail you fail right?  So why did we rescue them, and not us? 

I wouldn't be so bitter if it wasn't for the TARP bailouts.  If the little banks were saved, there would be a nice healthy competition now.  Instead the monopolies wiped out all the little banks, all the George Bailys who actually had relationships with their customers, all the communities.

I even read one article that said people should just accept the inevitable, let their houses foreclose so that we can move all the dead weight and start fresh.  This was on one of the websites claiming to be there to help homeowners. 

Dead weight?  Where have I heard that before?  Hmm sounds vaguely like surplus population doesn't it? 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I almost forgot today...

I went to a party a client of mine had tonight.  A housewarming parting actually.  How appropriate. It was nice to see someone happy in her new home, the beginning of a journey.  I actually forgot about mine for a few hours.  It was nice.  It was really nice.  I need to do that more often. 

Of course I am back here, back in "my" house.  The saga continues........

To NACA or not to NACA

So now that I am 7 months into a "trial" payment plan, and my credit has been destroyed and they are reporting me as almost 3 months behind (even though I am not,)  do I submit my NACA application or wait?

I thought I decided that waiting was silly.  Surely they are going to deny me, and then demand repayment immediately.  I should apply.  But something is telling me that starting a NACA application now could complicate things.  What is that something?   I think it is wrong.  I thing I should submit the NACA app and see what happens.  NACA may tell me to wait, but then my application would be ready to go.  Or if I get approved ( yeah right,) what have I lost?

Another day in Modification land

I open my eyes and its there.   Bank of America.

This looming mistake I made ......getting involved with you.  A selfish manipulative lover, who lures you in with promises of grandeur, gives you a period to relish in your good fortune then takes everything you ever had, or ever were.   How can one mistake so thoroughly change your life?  Will it end?  How will it end?  I suspect that at some point in the future this will be the past.  Where will I be?  Where will I live?  What will have happened?

I heard a horrible rumor that "they," and I don't know who they are, but they are blaming the market crash on the low down payment mortgages.  So "they" are talking about a solution of creating a requirement of a 50% down payment. 

Could this happen in America?  Land of the free and the brave?  So it will now be Pottersville?  None of our children will be able to afford homes.  We will all have to rent, and over time the rents will increase to as much as our crazy mortgages were, but the rich will be getting richer and the "so called" middle class will be something our grandchildren read about in history books?

These days I think about things like this a lot.  About how I could have taken different roads in life, and ended up somewhere else.  I am not a fatalist, but still I don't know where I could have ended up.  Maybe it would have been bad in a different way.   Maybe I was meant to fight this fight.  Maybe I will meet people along the way who will help me change the course of history, maybe I will just BE part of history, like the people who jumped from windows in 29.   I know I know, now they say that never happened.  Somehow I think it did, but maybe it just happened more quietly.

Friday, September 3, 2010

reading other posts

always scares me.  Just read one from someone who had perfect credit, just tried for a mod to get a lower interest rate.  He didn't even take it.  Well BOA used his contact with them to report him to the credit agencies.  His other cards started slashing his credit limit causing him all sorts of problems. 

What I just don't understand is how they are getting away with all of this?  How did Mr. Potter get so big?

Clarensce As2 where are you now?

How I ended up here....

One fated day, one decision, OK one really bad decision, that's all it took to change my life forever. I won't go into the messy little details. I bought the farm. I bought a beautiful little "airy," the charming house on the hill, with stunning views of rolling pastures green. It had a barn and land, so I bought some horses. It was the most exciting thing I had ever done, I thought it was good...

5 years later,.... a tanked real estate market, no chance to sell for what my place was worth, I got on the Making Home Affordable train from hell, the big Making Home Affodable LIE!  Just send in some paperwork. It’s like a refi, but better. The government is helping the banks help the homeowners, so the market doesn't crash. It sounded too good to be true. I AM SAVED!

Well just in case you don't follow the news, let me tell you a little story about a home modification. Its a big fat AMERICAN lie!

You spend weeks then months gathering every tiny bit of information about yourself and your pathetic financial situation. You rush off to the post office or FedEx, to send it off asap, because you want to show what a good little borrower you are. You sign on all the dotted lines. Then you get the first of the silly little phone calls or letters stating that YOU did not comply. You missed something, you missed several things, you didn't sign every page of your tax return, you didn't dot the i in your name. You have to start all over now!

Oh my, I must have been in a rush, I thought I sent that. Oh dear BOA forgive me, I will rush off and spent yet another $20. on sending you some silly thing I already sent you and you threw in the garbage.

OK BOA you got me! It only took about a year for me to figure out that this was all a silly JOKE. How many permanant Modifications have you done BOA?

Oh sure I got a temporary Mod. Did I mention that I was currant on my mortgage? Did I mention that my taxes were paid up to date last August when I first applied?

Well guess what? They told me to pay the modified payment. Yes people they told me this IN WRITING. Then they immediately started reporting me to the credit agencies as late. Then there are the little late fees, interest charges and oh let’s not forget their legal fees!

So they tell me in writing that my new and shinny escrow account will pay my taxes. Then they start to pay my taxes. Woo hoo! What a happy little camper I am... OH didn't they mention that they would be reporting those payments as unpaid to the credit agencies too? OOOPS forgot about that.

Long story short, I am going into foreclosure soon. I was told I should look forward to my ACT 91 (letter telling you to start packing,) and all this time, I HAVE NEVER MISSED A PAYMENT.

So I ask the obvious. What will it take for me to GET OUT OF THIS FABULOUS MODIFICATION?

About 10 grand! And better come up with it fast as that letter is on the way.


I still hold the belief that zillow.com had a lot to do with the crash of the market, but no one would listen. They became a giant in no time, almost a God. If Zillow said it, it had to be true.


What  a year it has been, days, weeks and months of desperation.  Agonizing periods of regret. Frustration so overwhelming that I hardly recongnized myself, and finally the smallest glimmer of light is peeping in the window that I don't own.

Bank of America you don't own me, not my thoughts, my dreams, my future, or my past.  You were one huge mistake I made.  OK a mistake that forever changed me.  You tried to destroy me.  You almost did old BOA.  You almost won.  In the throws of sadness during some of the long winter nights I almost took my own life.  Yes BOA, I thought about it.  I dreamed about blowing my brains out on Barbara D's doorstep (the president of BOA.)  Thanks for the memories Barbara!